Student Council Event Calendar

Here you can read more about the different activities the Student Council is involved in.

The Student Council is behind and involved in many of the major events that take place at Aarhus University. You can stay informed in the calendar here.

The calendar is continuously updated.


February 21st 1st ordinary joint council meeting 17-21

April 10th 2nd ordinary Joint Council meeting at 17-21

May 11 AU-RUN

May 15th 3rd ordinary Joint Council meeting 17-21

June 13-15 Folkemøde on Bornholm

September 2-4 Study Fair

September 11 4th regular Joint Council meeting at 17-20

September 13 Denmark’s Biggest Friday Bar and Sports Day

October 9th 5th ordinary joint council meeting 17-21

November 27 Constituent Joint Council meeting 16:45-21:15