Our contact information

Communication and press

Julie Krogh

Head of Communications

Phone: 53 56 01 48

Mail: kommunikation@sr.au.dk

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Student Council currently consists of 7 student politicians, who are responsible for the daily management and political work of the Student Council.

The members of the Executive Committee are students from different studies, elected by the Joint Council of the Student Council at the inaugural meeting, which takes place every year in December.

Below you can find the names and contact details of the Student Council’s chairperson, vice-chairperson and the other members of the executive committee:

Oliver Mølgaard Gertsen


Studying Spanish Language, Literature and Culture

Tel. 24 21 39 60

For the press: 53 56 01 48


Jes Enok Steinmüller

Vice president

Studying Physics

Tel. 22 92 91 33

For the press: 53 56 01 48


Stine Munkholm Jespersen

Member of the Executive Committee

Studying Agrobiology – Animal Health and Welfare

Tel. 29 28 68 33


Ditte Tibert Stoltze

Member of the Executive Committee

Studying Geoscience



Frederik Jessen

Member of the Executive Committee

Studying International Studies



Marie Heuckendorff Hansen

Member of the Executive Committee

Studying Medicine



Frederikke Bruntt

Member of the Executive Committee

Studying Political Science




The Secretariat is the part of the Student Council where staff are employed to take care of the administrative work. If you have any questions or need help, please contact one of the staff or come to the Secretariat during opening hours.

Below you can find contact details and responsibilities of the Secretariat staff:

Head of Secretariat

Studying politics and economics

Responsibilities: finance, administration, human resources

Tel.: 41 15 91 37

Mail: generalen@sr.au.dk

Secretary and bookkeeper

Responsibilities: Finance and daily contact

Tel.: 87 15 38 64

Mail: kontor@sr.au.dk

Head of Communications

Studying International Business Communication in English

Responsibilities: Communication and Press

Tel.: 53 56 01 48

Mail: kommunikation@sr.au.dk

Graphic designer

Studying information science

Responsibilities: Graphics, website and design

Tel.: 27 79 16 17

Mail: grafik@sr.au.dk

Sales Manager/Project Manager


Responsibilities: study fair and advertising

Tel.: 42 17 72 02

Mail: salg@sr.au.dk

Project Manager Danmarks Største Fredags- og Idrætsdag (DSFI)
Sofies valg


Responsibilities: planning and coordination

Phone: 42 15 11 86

Mail: event@sr.au.dk

Project coordinator


Responsibilities: AU Run

Phone number:

Mail: projekt@sr.au.dk

Student council on the board at AU

Thea Bonnemann

Board member 2023-2024

studying geoscience


Sofie Hillgaard Pedersen

Board member 2023-2024

studying medicine


The University Board is one of three bodies at AU where students are represented. The other two are the study boards and the academic councils. While the study boards look after the interests of the individual programs, such as curriculum, teaching and exams, the Academic Councils play a guiding role for the deans of the different faculties – discussing the faculties’ plans for education and research more generally.

The Board of Directors is AU’s highest authority and is responsible for the major, long-term plans for AU’s operations as an educational institution. This can be anything from climate action plans and AU’s overall finances, to construction plans for new campuses and the creation of new faculties.

The board has a total of 11 members. 5 of the board members are from AU, of which 2 are students and 3 are employees. The remaining 6 members are external members. This means that they are not affiliated with AU, but come from the business community, the public sector or something else. The external members are often hired with the aim of providing the board with a broad range of competencies.

It is the students’ task on the board to safeguard the students’ interests in the specific matters discussed at the meetings, and the students must also challenge issues at board meetings that are relevant to students.

The two current student board members, Thea and Sofie, are elected from the Student Council and thus represent the broad student body. Through the Student Council, they have access to talk to the students locally at the different study programs to hear what opinions should be brought to the university board.