The student line

Who are we? Studenterlinjen is an organization founded by students at Aarhus University with an interest in improving the university environment by directly initiating conversations at eye level. We want to take advantage of each other’s support across studies and thereby try to relieve some of the challenges students experience during their studies. Behind the organization are student volunteers from various fields of study. Our volunteers have completed a training period, supervised by psychologists and doctors, focusing on topics such as stress, depression, anxiety and loneliness.

What do we offer? We offer phone support to our fellow students in the evening hours during the week, where both we as volunteers and the students who call in remain anonymous. The conversations are informal in nature, do not require pre-booking and are designed to help make help more accessible to students. By default, our volunteers have been introduced to a wide range of topics and challenges, but as we are not trained professionals, we make use of useful resources that we can refer students to when needed. Our primary goal is to listen to our fellow students and thereby help create an overview and perspective.

Anonymous phone line:
+45 87 15 16 46

Anonymous chat:
Accessed here or via the “Chat with us” tab

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 19:00-22:00.

How do you contact us? The student line is supported by the Student Council at Aarhus University and by Aarhus University. Our target group is only students at Aarhus University.

Studenterlinjen only offers anonymous conversations over the phone, which is why we are not available for in-person meetings or conversations via Facebook and email.

For questions about the organization or interest in becoming a volunteer, the general manager can be reached at

More info can be found at