
StatsRådet is the local students’ council at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University.
We are a student political association that works independently of party political, economic and ideological interests. In other words, StatsRådet is an association that works to make the study time as good as possible for the students at IFSK – just as an interest organization would do.
StatsRådet holds regular meetings where we discuss various study-relevant issues, including examination forms, syllabi, study places, etc.
But StatsRådet is not just long meetings about student life at IFSK. In addition to the above, we are a social association that often holds internal social events and meets over a cold beer or cup of coffee in our office located on the association corridor. Occasionally we also arrange academic and social events where you as a student can get smarter and get a break from reading.
StatsRådet has existed since the early 1970s. The board consists of 19 students who are elected at our annual general meeting. In addition, we have a number of deputies who step in if StatsRådet is not quorate. The deputies are thus de facto members on an equal footing with the 19 board members. Among other things, the members of the Board of Studies and the Academic Council can be found in the members of StatsRådet.
Office: Room 125, building 1350.